Terraces 5
Terraces 6
Terraces 7
Terraces 8


As well as its favoured location in Rome and its splendid architectural features, the Grand Hotel Plaza can also claim its extraordinary greenery as another of its appealing features. The building is captivated by the floral embrace of the gardens on its two large panoramic terraces surrounding fifth floor.

Those looking for somewhere to take a break will be able to experience the centre of Rome not just surrounded by the nearby monuments and buildings but also enveloped by the greenery.

At least 40 rooms have their own exclusive terrace from where guests can enjoy the same wonders and have a marvellous place all of their own that can also be used for having breakfast or holding a business lunch.

For more information please contact our Events Team.


Tel. +39 06 674 95 

Accademia di Francia Terrace

Shrouded in the aroma of its citrus plants, the Accademia di Francia Terrace on the fifth floor of the hotel overlooks, on one side, Trinità dei Monti, Villa Medici, La Casina Valadier and Villa Borghese and on the other, the Cupola of the Church of Saints Ambrogio and Carlo al Corso, which is almost within touching distance, as well as the rooftops and cupolas of the Eternal City.

Trinità dei Monti Terrace

he Trinità dei Monti Terrace is another of the Grand Hotel Plaza's truly enchanting locations where the aromas of the ancient plant intermingle with those inebriating scents from the flowers with which it is adorned.

The Trinità dei Monti Terrace is also on the fifth floor of the Hotel and offers some stunning views of Rome's major monuments such as Trinità dei Monti, Villa Medici, Casina Valadier and Villa Borghese but also provides glimpses of the Quirinale Palace, Piazza Venezia and so much more, all shrouded in the type of atmosphere that only Rome knows how to provide.

The Trinità dei Monti Terrace is currently reserved for receptions, banquets, private parties or any other event you might wish to organize at the hotel.

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